From Cannes. We’ve just released the trailer and poster for our new film Barrow: The Untold Story of Slavery
New York – Free Yemen Eye
from – PARO The untold Story .
It was unveiled at Bharat Pavilion at the 77th Cannes Film Festival by Hinduja Group Chairman Mr. Prakash Hinduja. UN Goodwill Ambassador Dr. DeLuise Blakely (The Queen Mother), who represents 55 million Africans displaced by the trans-Atlantic slave trade, gave her blessing to the film. The film is directed by Gajendra Ahir, produced by Tripti Bhoir and Sandesh Sharda, and the lead actor is Tripti Bhoir and Hiramandhi fame Taha Shah Badusha. I am the executive producer, influence consultant, and supporting actor on the film. Aside from being a tech entrepreneur, mywork is also rooted in American Indian films and